2.2 Needs Analysis, Learning Outcomes and Meaning
2.2 Learning Outcomes, Needs Analysis, Meaning
The best training, onboarding and orientation generally occurs when people responsible for these items conduct a proper needs analysis. Needs analysis is critical to ensuring training addresses the right competencies, with the right people, using the right method(s). As an example, your high school co-op students will have very different training needs than university student instructors. Together we will move through a set of questions that will serve to get you grounded in your training needs; and while it is not a complete needs analysis, it will help to set a foundation.
1.Determine goals - goals should not just be about people learning content (though that is important), they should extend into what behaviours/outcomes you want to see happen in the workplace. e.g., A reduction in time spent doing a particular activity, an increase in a certain student outcome.
- Ask yourself, what are the goals of your orientation session?
- What are the objectives of each portion in your orientation? In order to give it meaning, write down why you do this training.
2. Think about competencies - What competencies are necessary for this role? These should be determined from the job description.
- Ask yourself, what competencies do I expect people are already coming to work having?
- What competencies do you need to specifically train for? How can you build this into your training and evaluation plans for staff?
3. Determine the priorities
- Ask yourself, which competencies and goals are most important? Force yourself to make a list with these outlined and ranked for your program needs.
Training and Development
- Getting Started
- 1.1 Introduction
- 1.2 Learning Organizations
- 1.3 Types of Learning
- 1.4 Differences between Training
- 1.5 The Adult Learner
- 1.6 Different Learning Types
- 1.7 Different Instructional Methods
- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 Needs Analysis, Learning Outcomes and Meaning
- 2.3 Developing Learning Outcomes
- 2.4 Mapping out Orientation, Onboarding, Training
- 2.5 Cost and ROI
- 2.6 Evaluation of Training Effectiveness
- Survey
- Credits, References and Resources
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