Exchange User Agreement
Welcome to the Actua Exchange! We're excited to have you connect with the Actua network and this platform is intended to be a space where the Actua network member leaders can share with each other their knowledge and experiences. By joining the Actua Exchange you agree to the Code of Conduct and Privacy Policy contained within this Exchange User Agreement.
Code of Conduct
Exchange User Responsibilities
- Respect the purpose of the Exchange. The site is intended for the betterment of Actua and Actua Network Members. Use the Exchange to share successes, challenges, constructive feedback, questions, and goals.
- Respect other users on the Exchange and be a good online citizen.
- Posting of defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, offensive, or illegal materials are strictly prohibited. Do not post anything that you would not want the world to see or that you would not want anyone to know came from you.
- Each user is responsible for ensuring that they have appropriate permissions before posting content of others on this site. For photos please share without names.
- Treat information, resources and other materials available through the Exchange as confidential, to be referenced for learning only. If you have other uses in mind please consult with original poster of information to get approval from them before proceeding.
- Exchange access is restricted to those employed by Actua network members and Actua. Actua must be notified immediately if an employee no longer works for the network member so their exchange membership can be removed.
- All accounts should be individual accounts and passwords should not be shared. You are responsible for all actions that occur with your account.
- For website security users need to log out when they are not accessing the exchange.
Actua Role
- Actua respects the intellectual property of the person(s) or organization(s) credited for the creation of a resource. It is a requirement that anyone who shares a resource has the appropriate permission to do so, and anyone using the resources of others provide appropriate acknowledgement and recognition of the source. Actua also requires users to adhere to any specific content agreement requirements documented in shared materials.
- Actua may edit the content of the Exchange without requesting permission including deleting posts.
- Reserves the right to revoke Exchange membership/access to users who do not follow the Exchange User Agreement may have their exchange membership revoked.
For Actua’s Privacy Policy please visit
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