

Managing Stress and Mental Health Intro (2:56) 

When we set out to work with others or are expected to work within a team, fostering a human to human connection with one another works to build trust, safety, understanding and ultimately sustainability for all.

Recognizing that we all have mental health, we want to ensure we are not only able to recognize when someone may be struggling but also how to support that individual on their journey without jeopardizing our own health and wellness in the process. 

Course Overview

The outline for this course is as follows. We hope that this training helps you to be more aware of stress and ways to manage and reduce stress. We hope this training also helps you explore mental health strategies and ideas for seeking and accessing support.

  1. Introduction - 5 minutes
  2. Understanding Our Mental Health - 20 minutes 
  3. The Practice of Self-Awareness - 15 minutes
  4. Supportive Conversations - 15 minutes
  5. Creating Team Culture - 15 minutes
  6. Self-Care - 15 minutes
  7. Summary and Reflection - 10 minutes

Learning Goals

  • Increased understanding of mental health
  • Develop personal practices for stress management
  • Identify some signs of stress, and some strategies for supporting your mental health
  • Develop comfort in seeking help 

Future Skills Developed

Throughout your Instructor training it is valuable to consider not only the topic-specific knowledge you are gaining, but the transferable future skills you can develop as well. 

In this module you will work to develop these Future Skills:


  • This module will share many frameworks and models to support communication. Adding these to your toolkit is a great way to advance your communication skills with your peers, supervisors and others.

Teamwork & Collaboration

  • Managing Stress and Mental Health is a large and complex topic. Throughout the module the need for teamwork and collaboration is evident. Focusing on community and working together is a valuable transferable skill.

Problem Solving

  • In this training we hope to share some tips and practices for approaching and supporting mental health. You have an opportunity here to add to your problem solving toolkit.

Ability & Eagerness To Learn

  • By committing time and energy to this training, and then to your life and work, you can enhance your initiative and eagerness to learn skills.

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