Credits, References and Resources


[1] Smetanin et al. (2011). The life and economic impact of major mental illnesses in Canada: 2011-2041. Prepared for the Mental Health Commission of Canada. Toronto: RiskAnalytica.

[2] Pearson, Janz , Ali (2013). Health at a glance: Mental and substance use disorders in Canada. Statistics Canada Catalogue. No. 82-624-X.

[3] Ontario Universities (2016). Ensuring a Whole of Community Approach to Mental Health.

[4]  (Adapted from) Grenier, Stephane, Bailey (2012). Road to Mental Readiness (R2MR), Department of National Defence. 

[5] Sunderland, K. (2019) Enhancing Your Peer Support Skills Training Workbook. 

[6] Canadian Mental Health Association (2014). Mental Health For Life Brochure.

[7] (Adapted from) Greenberger, Padesky (1995) Mind Over Mood. The Guildford Press

[8] Kiru. Mindset & Relationship Expert.

[9]  Mehrabian, (1981). Silent messages: Implicit communication of emotions and attitudes. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth

[10] Divine. (2017) Refuge in Grief. How Do You Help a Grieving Friend? 

[11]  National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace (2013). 

Video References:

IWK Health Center (2012). Stigma and Mental Illness [Video] YouTube.

The RSA (2013). Brené Brown on Empathy. [Video] YouTube.

Megan DeVine (2018). How do you help a grieving friend? [Video] YouTube.

OxfordMindfulness (2011). The Science of Mindfulness. [Video]. YouTube.

Additional Learning Materials

The following links are intended to support and extend your learning about Managing Stress and Mental Health following the completion of this introductory course.

If you are interested in developing your skills around having supportive conversations and helping individuals struggling with their mental health or who may be in crisis, the following are recommended trainings:

Supporting Through Struggle™

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training

Mental Health First Aid


Managing Stress and Mental Health Instructor Workbook

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