4. Models and Approaches

Models and Approaches for Handling Conflict

Models and Approaches for Handling Conflict video (1:32)

Not everyone reacts to conflict in the same way - you likely have a preferred or patterned way in which you deal with conflict when it arises. This preferred or patterned way of dealing with conflict may be second nature to you and hard to notice. By understanding our preferred style(s) of dealing with conflict and getting more familiar with the preferred styles of others, you will have more tools in your arsenal to deal with conflict effectively when it arises. 

Below is a questionnaire created by Jerrin Padre (Media Partners, 2018) to help you identify your patterned conflict resolution style. This survey tool can also be found in your Conflict Resolution Workbook. We recommend downloading and printing the workbook to complete this activity and several other reflection questions in the training module.

You can find more information on your conflict style by clicking here Conflict Resolution Quiz

The questionnaire you just took identifies the Thomas Kilmann model of conflict resolution styles. 

Please watch the following video to understand each conflict resolution style in more depth.

PsychologySketchbook. (2016). Thomas Kilmann Conflict Model Instrument. [Video] YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFIydyH2H8Y&feature=emb_logo

Key Observations:

  • You’ll notice that on the quiz you filled out, you likely didn’t get all of your points in one type of conflict resolution style preference.  Most of us have a preferred method or two. 
  • Each method has its own pros and cons. It’s important to note that no one style is better than the others. It all depends on the situation, circumstances and desired outcome. 
  • Identifying your own preference is important, but it’s also important to identify the conflict resolution styles of others. This will help you adapt your approach to dealing with conflict with others.

Activity Three

In your Conflict Resolution Course Reflection Question Worksheet PDF. or personal notebook, record your responses to the following reflection questions.

  • Can you think of one person you know who often exemplifies giving in, or avoiding conflict? How might your style interact with this person? 
  • Have you ever applied the wrong approach to a situation when a different approach would have led to a better outcome? What was the impact? What would you do differently next time?

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