1. Introduction
Conflict Resolution Introduction (2:36)
This course on conflict resolution is intended to provide you with the skills and abilities to handle workplace conflict that may arise while working in your role. Conflicts arise in every workplace and in every role - they can be positive learning experiences if dealt with properly. They can also be very stressful for those involved. Learning how to effectively deal with conflict is a skill that will serve you throughout your whole career.
Course Overview
This training module was authored and written by the company A Modern Way to Work.
The outline for this course is as follows. We hope this course helps you to better understand conflict and develop some strategies for handling conflict in various settings.
- Defining Conflict and its Role in the Workplace - 10 minutes
- The Most Effective way to Manage Workplace Conflict - 15 minutes
- Models for Different ways People Handle Conflict - 10 minutes
- Typical Sources of Conflict and How to Handle Them - 20 minutes
- Bonus Material: How to Deal with Difficult People
Learning Goals
- Define and identify common sources of conflict
- Identify your role(s) in conflict
- Understand some of the different ways people deal with conflict
- Develop ways to use conflict resolution models on the job and in other contexts
Future Skills Developed
During the process of learning how to deal with conflict, and then applying that learning when you are at work, the following skills are being developed:
- Problem Solving
- Identifies potential barriers to completion and determines the most appropriate means by which to address them.
- Initiative
- Identifies opportunities or needs and takes action, without being instructed or prompted.
- Commitment
- Demonstrates determination when seeing a task or assignment through to completion.
- Teamwork and Collaboration
- Demonstrates respect for diverse opinions, backgrounds, values, beliefs and contributions of others.
- Social Intelligence
- Recognizes and appreciates the feelings and emotions of others through studying both verbal and non-verbal cues.
In particular, the one skill that will be an area of focus in this online training is Teamwork and Collaboration. As technology and the pace of change accelerates, we need other people more than ever to help us achieve our goals. There are few jobs where success doesn’t rely on the individual working with others. Whenever there are people working together, conflict will inevitably arise.
Learning how to deal with conflict effectively will be a lifelong practice. The opportunity to work in your program this summer with a team of people will give you the opportunity to face conflict and develop your ability to collaborate.
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