Credits, References, and Resources
Actua’s Anti-Racism in STEM
Aderibigbe, T, Kyaw, P, Loewith, H. Tristan, S (2022). Black Youth Representation in STEM: Barriers and Strategies. University of Toronto.
Adams, J. D (2022) Manifesting Black Joy in in science learning. Cult Stud of Sci Eduction 17, 199–209. Retrieved from
Burbanks, M.S, I., Shockley, K. G., & LeNiles, K. (2020,). The need for African centered education in STEM programs for black youth: Published in Journal of African American Males in Education (JAAME). Journal of African American Males in Education (JAAME). Retrieved from
Caragata, L. (2008). Daily Struggles: The Deepening Racialization and Feminization of Poverty in Canada, edited by Maria Wallis and Siu-ming Kwok.
Daniel Dalessandro, “Fostering Engagement in the Science Class Using Culturally Relevant and Responsive Pedagogy,” 2017,
Do, D. (2020)). Canada’s Black population: Education, labour and resilience.
Eight Good Practices for Organizations Serving Black Youth & Their Families. (2018). Youth Research and Evaluation EXchange.
Eight Best Practices for Extracurricular Literacy Programming for Black, Racialized, and Low-Income Youth. (2021). Youth Research and Evaluation EXchange.
Fordham University study analyzes barriers students of color experience in STEM education. (2018) The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education.
Great Schools Partnership. (2015). Hidden Curriculum. The Glossary of Education Reform.
Grace-Edward Galabuzi, “Social Exclusion: Socio-economic and Political Implications of the Racialized Gap,” Chapter 5 in “Daily Struggles: The Deepening Racialization and Feminization of Poverty in Canada” edited by Maria A. Wallis and Siu-Ming Kwok. Canadian Scholars, (2008): 85.
Honey, M. (Ed.). (2013). Design, Make, Play: Growing the Next Generation of STEM Innovators (1st ed.). Routledge.
Lane, T. B., & Id-Deen, L. (2023). Nurturing the Capital Within: A Qualitative Investigation of Black Women and Girls in STEM Summer Programs. Urban Education, 58(6), 1298–1326.
Perry. L. B, Link, T, Boelter, C & Leukefeld, C (2012) Blinded to science: gender differences in the effects of race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status on academic and science attitudes among sixth graders, Gender and Education, 24:7, 725-743, DOI: 10.1080/09540253.2012.685702
Polman, J. L., & Miller, D. (2010). Changing Stories: Trajectories of Identification Among African American Youth in a Science Outreach Apprenticeship. American Educational Research Journal, 47(4), 879–918.
Strong, L., Adams, J. D., Bellino, M. E., Pieroni, P., Stoops, J., & Das, A. (2016). Against Neoliberal Enclosure: Using a critical transdisciplinary approach in science teaching and learning. Mind, Culture, and Activity, 23(3), 225–236.
Seven Promising Practices for Developing Supports for Black Parents/Caregivers. (2022). Youth Research and Evaluation EXchange.
Singer, A, Montgomery, G, Schmoll, S (2020). How to foster the formation of STEM identity: studying diversity in an authentic learning environment. International Journal of STEM Education. 7. 10.1186/s40594-020-00254-z.
Scott, M. T. (2014). Using the Blooms–Banks Matrix to Develop Multicultural Differentiated Lessons for Gifted Students. Gifted Child Today, 37(3), 163-168.
Thevenot, T (n.d) , “Culturally Responsive and Sustaining STEM Curriculum as a Problem-Based Science Approach to Supporting Student Achievement for Black and Latinx Students.”
Black Youth in STEM Workbook
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