1. Introduction
At Actua we are committed to making sure instructors and program leaders have the appropriate training and resources to engage fully with the communities that they serve. We hope that this training will give perspective on the unique lived experiences of Black youth living in Canada and how we can have a positive impact through STEM learning.
As an organization, Actua is dedicated to creating lasting STEM impressions on youth of all backgrounds and cultures. This training specifically focuses on some of the unique barriers that face Black youth and how these barriers can affect the development of “STEM Identities” during the education process. This training is intended to give those interacting with Black youth insight into how we can be empathetic to their unique needs.
We acknowledge that not all Black youth share the same circumstances and that there are a vast number of cultures included within the Black community and they may all have different ways of practicing STEM.
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Why Black Youth in STEM Training?
This course is intended for program leaders and instructors within the Actua network. As Actua’s National Black Youth in STEM program develops, there are barriers that have been identified through environmental scans with network members as well as with external partners. We recognize the need for training tailored to those who will be directly creating and running programs specifically intended for Black youth.
Understanding the specific challenges that those in the Black youth community face and some guidelines and practices for successful programs will create a sense of empathy for their lived experiences and help guide members as they create programs.
It is often difficult to conduct these discussions amongst ourselves, however our different challenges and experiences give rise to the foundation of diversity. Through this training we hope you can come to an appreciation of cross-cultural relationships and an in depth understanding of the importance of encouraging diverse minds.
This training has been designed to take place asynchronously, enabling you to be at the helm of your own learning. While we have done our best to challenge you in a way that makes you uncomfortable, it is entirely up to you as to whether you acknowledge and seek to grow out of that discomfort. We also understand that an asynchronous text-based model is not always the best way to learn and ask that you touch base with the leadership at Actua if you require any accommodations to support you in engaging with the content.
Course Overview
The outline for this course is as follows:
- Introduction
- About Actua's National BYIS program
- Creating Places for Positive STEM Identity
- Program Rationale
- The Role of Culture
- Community Engagement
- Leadership Tools
- Summary and Reflection
- Survey
- Credits, References and Resources
Learning Goals
The goal of this training module is for instructors and program leaders to learn more about the experiences of Black youth in STEM spaces and use that knowledge to create fun and relevant STEM experiences. These include:
- Understanding some of the main barriers to Black youth’s STEM identity and using that knowledge to inform program development.
- Understanding how to best support Black youth in developing their STEM identity.
- Learning about the role of community engagement in the Black community as well as the importance of buy-in from parents and guardians.
- How culture within Black youth’s communities can be emphasized by exploring STEM in the ways participants relate to.
Future Skills
As you begin this training it is our goal that you learn how to engage Black youth in your programs but also that you learn skills that support you in the advancement of your career in the future. This module is designed to complement Actua’s Future Skills as defined below:
- Social Perceptiveness: Much of the information in this training is focused on understanding the experiences and barriers that Black youth may face when engaging with the education system, particularly when it comes to STEM learning. It is important to reflect on the social perspectives discussed in this training and use those reflections to create a social environment where Black youth can thrive while learning about STEM.
- Commitment: It is possible that as you engage in your Black youth programming, you may encounter uncomfortable internal situations, conflict or barriers that you observe to deliver your program effectively. This is important work and persevering through challenges demonstrates to the youth your commitment to deliver and will also make future challenges more manageable for yourself.
- Innovation & Creativity: In order to engage with Black youth who may have intersecting identities, you will be required to visualize and teach STEM concepts in new and innovative ways. This kind of creative problem solving is important in various disciplines and will serve you well as you navigate your career path.
- Adaptability: Actua, we acknowledge that not all Black youth will have the same lived experiences and may not resonate with the content provided. This training will help Instructors with adapting to shifting perspectives and how to tailor content that highlights the variety of ways STEM may be practiced in different communities.
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