8. Summary and Reflection

Black Youth in STEM Reflection

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This brings us to the end of our training and we are so happy you took the time to absorb the information provided. Throughout the training module, we introduced several ideas related to the unique lived experiences of Black youth in Canada. 

We hope that by reading through the training, participating in the learning activities and reflecting on the content, you have gained an understanding of what is required to run effective STEM programs for Black youth. In addition, we hope that through the training, you recognized the pathways that led to our guiding principles and successful practices. 

Do you feel the following statements are true?

  • I have an understanding of why this program is important.
  • I have a better grasp of some of the barriers that Black youth face when engaging in STEM education.
  • I recognize that STEM identity is a pivotal aspect of positive engagement.
  • I am aware of the role culture plays in a successful BYIS program.

Finally, consider how this module has supported you in the development of the following future skills:

  • Innovation & Creativity
  • Social perceptiveness
  • Adaptability

Reflection & Discussion Questions:

Set aside 10 minutes to reflect. Read each question either to yourself or aloud with a coworker. 

  • If you are doing this by yourself, think about the questions and use the space below if needed to write out or draw your thoughts from this module. 
  • If you are with a coworker, read each question aloud and give yourselves at least one minute in silence to think about your question. Relaying your responses to each other is optional. 


  1. After completing this training how do you feel (tired, frustrated, excited)? Why?
  2. What did you learn that will help you feel more prepared to run BYIS programs?
  3. What does it mean to have a strong sense of STEM identity?
  4. From this training, how will you plan on incorporating culture into your programs?
  5. What questions do you still have that this training did not address?
  6. What strategies will you employ to build trust within the Black communities you work in?
  7. How do our initiatives uphold the guiding principles of the BYIS program? 

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