5e. Teacher Training

Teacher Training

We know that teachers are incredibly important influencers of youth. At Actua, we want to ensure teachers feel equipped and empowered to give Canadian youth the skills and confidence they need to pursue higher education, and enter the rapidly evolving workforce. 


Actua’s Teacher Training program provides K-12 pre-service and classroom teachers with professional development opportunities designed to enhance learning outcomes in their current curriculum. Actua and our network members provide teachers with more advanced and relevant resources to help better equip youth with today and tomorrow’s in-demand STEM skills. These include, but are not limited to: edtech, coding and digital skills, robotics, artificial intelligence, cyber security and digital citizenship, engineering design/design thinking, makerspace education, competencies including computational thinking, creativity, and critical thinking.


Just like Actua’s national programs for youth, our teacher training emphasizes hands-on, experiential learning, as well as addressing how teachers can approach inclusive instruction for diverse and underrepresented student populations.

Throughout each year we offer teacher conferences, professional development days, after-school and weekend training sessions, in-classroom mentorship, and supporting resources. We provide multiple touch-points throughout the year to engage teachers in continuous learning. The variety of training opportunities we offer helps create a more connected community for teachers across Canada to learn not only from us, but also each other!

Check out this video about Actua's Teacher Training Program:

To learn more about Actua's Teacher Training and access helpful resources check out: https://www.actua.ca/en/teachers/

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