5g. National Mentorship Program


In order for youth to imagine themselves in STEM, they first need to see themselves represented in these fields. One way to achieve this is to invite diverse young scientists and engineers to visit our camps as role models and mentors. 

Actua’s National Mentorship Program supports the engagement of young professionals who visit our camps, clubs and workshops to talk about their unique job or area of research, sharing stories about the obstacles they have overcome along their career path. This helps youth see the person behind the career and to see themselves following in the footsteps of the mentor. Actua’s network members engage hundreds of mentors each year from a range of STEM fields, exposing youth to hundreds of exciting and dynamic careers. Many of these mentors are employees of Actua’s corporate funding partners. Actua provides logistical support and training for mentors who want to make a difference in the lives of youth discovering their potential in STEM. Mentorship is key to our program delivery model as well. You’ll have more exposure to this during the camp season.

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