6. Instructors


Now that you understand more about Actua, our mission and impact, and the important role of our national network, we will explore the benefits and opportunities you have as an instructor!

Along with other post-secondary institutions and their youth STEM programs, industry partners, and of course, communities and youth, your role as an instructor is instrumental in achieving Actua’s mission to inspire ALL youth in STEM. 

You have an exciting and important part to play as an instructor, and there is much to be gained for YOU through your experience as well. 

A key part of our model is that you, our instructors, who are generally under 26 years of age and attending post-secondary learning, are the ones delivering and leading the STEM experience. Instructors like you, sharing your passion and experience, are a key part of what makes you amazing role models for youth, to help them imagine what their future could look like. Instructors across the network come from a wide diversity of educational and personal backgrounds and this diversity is a critical part of what makes our STEM programs so impactful for youth.

About the Actua Instructor Program

Actua's Instructor Program is comprised of three core components. These are: training, feedback and evaluation, and on-the-job experiences. Instructors are well positioned to develop many important transferrable skills through this program, we often refer to these skills as Future Skills. You can learn more about these in our Future Skills training module. 

During your time as an instructor, you will receive training on multiple topics and subject areas to help you deliver high quality, impactful STEM programming for youth - this is Actua’s key objective. By being a Network Member instructor, you will be exposed to training such as; Conflict Resolution, Indigenous Worldviews, Communicating with Parents, and others. These training offerings provide instruction on their topic areas, but also deliver insight on areas like; Problem Solving, Innovation & Creativity, Leadership and more. Through this training, you will be better supported in your role as an instructor. This training can be valuable for your future work contexts as well.

You will develop and strengthen important skills through your unique on-the-job experiences such as developing content, maintaining program materials, and ensuring youth have a positive experience in your camps or clubs. These responsibilities and job tasks can help you to build valuable credible experiences that you can articulate in job applications and interviews for your future career.

Finally, you will have multiple opportunities to receive feedback from your supervisor/director and do personal reflection on your performance. Each of these program components are valuable for your personal and professional development. 

The graphic below depicts a typical outline of the Actua instructor experience. Read through the text to see where you are at currently in the process. 


Instructors and Skills Development

Through the Instructor Program, work experiences, feedback and evaluation, and training come together to help you gain important knowledge and develop skills that are helpful regardless of your future work path. Actua's Future Skills Project has explored the many skills that instructors are primed to gain through their time in the role. We have identified "The Big Five" which are the core five skills that instructors are most likely to strengthen in their roles. These are: Teamwork & Collaboration, Communication, Social Intelligence, Adaptability & Flexibility, and Innovation & Creativity.

In this section, we will define each of these skills and share short testimonials from past Actua instructors that speak to the development of these skills. 

Teamwork and Collaboration

  • Demonstrates respect for diverse opinions, backgrounds, values , beliefs and contributions of others.
  • Recognizes, honours, and leverages the strengths of others for the good of the team.
  • Deals effectively and tactfully with adversity in a group.
Instructor quote: “As I have learned very recently, a lot of adult jobs require teamwork and team settings and group problem-solving, so I feel like working on a team and getting that experience is something that I'll definitely carry with me.”


  • Considers audience expectations when crafting messages. 
  • Adapts messages to suit the (unique) needs of the audience.
  • Presents material/information in a way that is engaging, and that is appropriately targeted to the audience
  • Aptly leverages resources to support/reinforce key messaging
  • Interacts effectively with a variety of stakeholders
Instructor quote: “(In) my previous work experiences, it was very much, almost scripted so it was like, 'Hi, how are you today? What can I get you?' And with my instructor job we are asking, 'What do you know about this? Tell me what you know about this. Can we consider something else?'. In my instructor job, I'm going to use what participants know and incorporate it into the lesson. I'm going to cater the information to them so that they understand it. I'm going to perhaps present it differently than it's written down or find examples from their life to teach this to them."

Social Intelligence

  • Recognizes and appreciates the feelings and emotions of others through studying both verbal and non-verbal cues.
  • Adapts their own approach to suit the intended audience.
  • Appreciates the value of diversity and advocates for underrepresented audiences.
Instructor quote: “Working in an environment with children allows me... reminds me that there are people that learn in other ways, there are people that experience the world in other ways, and this job reminds me that there are people that think differently, and kind of go about life with different cognitive processes than the academic people that I'm used to.”

Adaptability & Flexibility

  • Demonstrates a willingness to alter or change one's own course of action, behaviour, or approach as the situation merits.
Instructor quote: “So the ability to really think on the fly and be able to come up with lessons was so common in the role. In this case, it was in a matter of seconds. Like, 'Okay. We need to do something. Let's get some more content in.' And so that was one of the big things that I've really found of value in this job, is thinking on the fly. Being able to do that goes beyond problem-solving.”

Innovation & Creativity

  • Conceives or implements new ideas, methods or approaches.
  • Finds, generates or creates something unique or that has not been tried before.
  • Experiments and applies existing knowledges or practices in new and unique ways.
Instructor quote: "Creativity is definitely part of the culture because that's...kind of the goal I find. So while we were on the road delivering programming, that's also what we were promoting. We want the kids to have not necessarily failures, but to have bumps in the road so that we can learn from that and that's how innovation is, that's how things are built and ideas are formed, and creativity.”

What's In It For You?

In addition to the amazing experience provided by your program there are many benefits to belonging to Actua's national network as an instructor. Beyond the training, work experience, feedback and evaluation, and skills development that your time in the Actua Instructor Program can provide, there are several additional benefits you can have in this experience. There are resources, tools and opportunities that are available to you through Actua. 

Some of these include:

  • Connection to other network members across Canada.
  • Training - Indigenous Worldviews, Gender Equity, Codemakers 101 & 201, Classroom Management, and more!
  • Content for camps/clubs, including for Codemakers and Actua's Artificial Intelligence (AI) Handbook
  • Post camp surveys and feedback forms
  • Awards and contests
  • Coordination of mentor events
  • Opportunities to reach new communities
  • The Exchange and Social Media

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