8. Roles in Managing Performance
Roles in Managing Performance
When it comes to managing performance, we each have a different role to play. Here is one way you may wish to break down the various roles in managing performance.
- Supports instructor development and performance
- Rolls-out the feedback & evaluation program to instructors (during orientation- leveraging the Instructor Toolkit)
- Brings awareness to the future skills this program supports instructors in building
- Drives their own personal development
- Takes an active role in collecting performance feedback
- Reflects upon achievements, feedback, personal development
Director & Instructor in Collaboration
- Identify a 1:1 frequency that works for both
- Set up recurring 1:1 meetings
- Determine what should be covered in your 1:1 meetings
Others (students, parents, colleagues, peers)
- Provide feedback in support of development
Reflection Questions
Now that you have an understanding of the Feedback & Evaluation Framework- think about how you can most effectively introduce it to your instructors.
- What are some concrete steps you can take to familiarize them with the program and tools?
- What are the benefits of the feedback & evaluation system for the instructors?
- How will you promote the benefits of such a program with the staff in your organization?
Consider also, how you might practically go about setting the system up in your workplace.
- How will 1:1’s be scheduled & at what frequency?
- Where might you store the forms/tools that support the process (in a filing cabinet, electronically, in an HRIS)?
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