8. Roles in Managing Performance

Roles in Managing Performance

When it comes to managing performance, we each have a different role to play. Here is one way you may wish to break down the various roles in managing performance.


  • Supports instructor development and performance
  • Rolls-out the feedback & evaluation program to instructors (during orientation- leveraging the Instructor Toolkit)
  • Brings awareness to the future skills this program supports instructors in building


  • Drives their own personal development
  • Takes an active role in collecting performance feedback
  • Reflects upon achievements, feedback, personal development

Director & Instructor in Collaboration

  • Identify a 1:1 frequency that works for both
  • Set up recurring 1:1 meetings
  • Determine what should be covered in your 1:1 meetings

Others (students, parents, colleagues, peers)

  • Provide feedback in support of development

Reflection Questions

Now that you have an understanding of the Feedback & Evaluation Framework- think about how you can most effectively introduce it to your instructors.

  1. What are some concrete steps you can take to familiarize them with the program and tools?
  2. What are the benefits of the feedback & evaluation system for the instructors?
  3. How will you promote the benefits of such a program with the staff in your organization?  

Consider also, how you  might practically go about setting the system up in your workplace.

  1. How will 1:1’s be scheduled & at what frequency?
  2. Where might you store the forms/tools that support the process (in a filing cabinet, electronically, in an HRIS)?  

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