Tell us How it Went - Complete the Survey
Now that you have completed the training module, please tell us what you thought of it by completing Actua’s post training survey at We are looking for your views about the quality and usefulness of the training module so that we can continue to improve and develop new training and track outcomes from this training. All feedback provided will be sent directly to Actua and individual feedback will not be shared with your supervisor.
Gender Equity
- Getting Started
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Girls and Women* in STEM
- 3. Unconscious Bias
- 4. Defining Gender
- 5. Equity and Equality
- 6. Creating Gender Equity Across All Programming
- 7. Actua’s National Girls Program and Gender Parit…
- 8. Case Study
- 9. Summary and Reflection
- Survey
- Credits, References and Resources
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