6. Learning Summary and Reflection

6. Learning Summary and Reflection

Learning Summary

This module has introduced several of the core ideas for instructors to understand about Indigenous Worldviews and Actua’s InSTEM program. As you have read through the module, reviewed the supplementary resources, and participated in various learning activities you have worked to develop several learning outcomes. It is important to remember that learning is a lifelong, ongoing process.

Do you feel the following statements are true?

  • I understand and have ideas about how to apply a systems model of Indigenous worldviews 
  • I understand that there is a Treaty relationship between Indigenous people and Canadians that continues to this day
  • I recognize that Land is central to Indigenous Knowledge and that Indigenous people have always had, and continue to contribute STEM knowledge
  • I understand and have ideas about how to apply elements of Actua's Indigenous Youth in STEM Program (InSTEM) model in my role

In addition to these learning outcomes, you have also had opportunities throughout this training to consider your skills and areas where your transferable skills can be strengthened. 


Finally, consider how this module has supported your development of the following Future Skills, and how you may begin to communicate these skills using your experience, training, and feedback received as an Actua Network Member STEM program instructor.

  • Teamwork and collaboration
  • Communication
  • Adaptability and flexibility
  • Building Networks
  • Self-Awareness

Activity Five


Now that you have completed your Indigenous Worldviews Training, please take this time to reflect on what you have learned, what you have heard before and which feelings, influences, questions and thoughts still remain with you. 

  1. After completing this training, how do you feel (ie. inspired, curious, overwhelmed, tired, etc)? Why? 
  2. What was one of the most important pieces, articles, reflections and/or learnings that you took away from this training? Why? 
  3. What did you learn that informed you in feeling more prepared to understand Indigenous peoples, cultures and worldviews? Why? 
  4. What does it mean to you to be a Treaty Person? Why?
  5. From this training, what knowledge, information and/or advice do you think is most important for someone to understand allyship/how to be an ally to Indigenous people? Why? 
  6. What questions do you still have that you feel this training lacked to inform you on? 
  7. How could this training be more informative, helpful or generally better?

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