1. Introduction
1. Introduction
The Actua network is committed to ensure that ALL instructors are provided training to develop an understanding of Indigenous cultural and historical knowledge. The training is for all instructors; not just those who are engaging in Indigenous communities directly. As a network, we support Canada's Truth & Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Calls To Action. Our intention is to build teacher and student capacity for intercultural understanding, empathy, and mutual respect (63 iii).
To support our Network Members in facilitating training with their staff, Actua offers an instructor training resource in Indigenous Worldviews. The training you are about to receive should amplify your ability to effectively engage ALL youth, including more experience to effectively engage Indigenous youth. As a result, the training is exemplary that Actua is a unique experience for youth and also welcomes you into the network of undergraduate students who understand the impact of an “Actua Experience.”
Training for a STEM Outreach instructor includes classroom management, laboratory safety, first aid, WHMIS, etc. but by completing this process you will come to recognize the critical importance of Indigenous Worldviews and STEM. You will also become aware of the development of your own transferable skills and how these future skills will allow you to truly engage effectively with others.
It is important to note that there is great diversity amongst Indigenous cultures and Nations. Therefore, we have created this model with the knowledge that it is not fully representative of the specific cultural practices and processes that are unique to individual First Nations, Inuit and Metis and other communities. We encourage each network member to engage with local Indigenous training to ensure local cultural relevance of all Indigenous outreach programming.
For those of us who share a home on Turtle Island (North America) it is our duty to honour and respect this land, and all our relations who belong to her- the Earth- by preserving empathetic perspectives, practices and ways of life for the sanctity of peace, community and for all of our future generations.
Course Overview
The outline for this course is as follows. There are estimated time breakdowns for each section of the module - it may take participants varied time to complete reflection questions and/or other activities. We hope this course supports your understanding of Indigenous Worldviews as well as practices and frameworks for enhancing your role in programming.
- Introduction - 15 minutes
- Indigenous Worldviews - 30 minutes
- We Are All Treaty People - 25 minutes
- Indigenous People and STEM - 30 minutes
- Actua’s InSTEM Program - 20 minutes
- Learning Summary and Reflection - 15 minutes
Learning Goals
- Understand and apply a Systems Model of Indigenous Worldviews
- Understand that there is a Treaty relationship between Indigenous people and Canadians that continues to this day
- Recognize that Land and the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual connections to it is central to Indigenous Knowledge and Indigenous people
- Indigenous people have always had STEM knowledge and continue to contribute and practice it in the present day.
- Understand and apply elements of Actua's Indigenous Youth in STEM Program (InSTEM) Model
Future Skills Developed
While the key purpose of this training module is to help you to understand Indigenous Worldviews and support you as a STEM program instructor, this module also works to strengthen many Future Skills. These are valuable, transferable skills that can support you in future career readiness. It is important to recognize where these skills can be identified and developed through training and in your work experience as an instructor.
The future skills for this module are:
Teamwork and Collaboration
In thinking about the dynamic nature of Indigenous cultures, instructors will explore ways to work collectively with others and understand the value of diverse ways of knowing.
Throughout this module instructors have opportunities to read, learn and respond to reflection questions in your own words.
Adaptability and Flexibility
This training module speaks to the adaptable and flexible inherent nature of Indigenous communities. Instructors can learn from Indigenous perspectives and approaches to adaptability and flexibility while also gaining strategies for delivering great STEM content and being adaptable and flexible in other personal contexts.
Building Networks
The collaborative and community-centric nature of Indigenous cultures is important to all InSTEM programming and STEM programming across the board. This module speaks to the value and need for building networks and establishing and maintaining strong trusting relationships with Indigenous communities.
In this module instructors get a brief introduction to Canada’s historical relationship with Indigenous peoples and can develop an understanding that we are all Treaty People, this is followed by discussion and reflection questions to help support the development of a self-awareness skillset.
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