1. Introduction


This Instructor Training Program module is called - Future Skills Awareness. This module will focus on introducing you to Future Skills, and support you in thinking about how these skills can benefit you as an instructor and in the future career path you pursue. 

Being an instructor is a unique, challenging and enriching experience that requires you to teach and care for children/youth, work collaboratively with teams, and communicate everything from STEM concepts to classroom or camp rules. Being an Actua Network Member instructor can support you in developing essential skills that will support you regardless of your future plans. This training will help you to identify the skills you are gaining, and consider ways to articulate these skills.

Course Overview

The outline for this course is as follows. We hope that this training helps you feel more confident in talking or writing about your skills, and gives you tips and strategies for feeling prepared for a future of work.

  1. Learning Goals and Future Skills Developed - 10 minutes
  2. What are Future Skills and Why do they Matter? - 10 minutes
  3. The Actua Instructor Training and Work Experience Program - 15 minutes
  4. How are Future Skills Developed and Strengthened? - 10 minutes
  5. How to Articulate your Skills for your Future of Work - 20 minutes
  6. Module Reflection and Next Step - 10 minutes

Learning Goals

  • Identify and articulate the transferable skills that can be gained through the Instructor experience
  • Correlate your Instructor experience and training with skills development
  • Communicate the correlation in resume-friendly and interview-ready formats

Future Skills Developed

Later in the module we will explain what Future Skills are, and will share the definitions of each of these. However, it is important to note now that these are some of the skills you are developing and strengthening through the participation in this training module. Beginning to consider and name the skills you are learning is a helpful step in thinking about your skills, strengths and talents. 

In this module you will work to develop these Future Skills:

Critical Thinking and Awareness
  • By exploring your own skills development and thinking about the transferability of your skills, you are advancing your Critical Thinking and Awareness 
  • Through the participation of this personal development training, you are demonstrating and practicing the skill of taking initiative 
  • The discussion and reflection activities in this module will work to support your communication skills
  • Taking time to think about yourself and your future is a meaningful way to explore self-awareness and develop introspective thinking 

Articulating Future Skills Workbook

Below is the Future Skills Awareness Workbook.  You can print or download this document and work in it throughout the module, or just write your thoughts down on your own piece of paper or computer document.

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