Getting Started
Getting Started
Who can use this course?
This course is accessible to any instructor, director, or other staff within Actua’s network.
How do I use this module?
There are three major sections to this module:
The Content Development Process: provides an overview of the tasks that you may have to complete during the course of your content development, from coming up with ideas to evaluating the finished product.
Developing Good Content: introduces ideas, strategies, and best practices to help you develop content that is engaging for your participants and aligns with program outcomes as well as Actua’s organizational values.
Content Must-Haves: enumerates key considerations and sections that your content write-up should address or contain.
We suggest progressing through this module as presented, however you may want to revisit the second and third sections when developing your content for ideas and guidance.
What do I need in order to complete this module?
For this training module, participants will need:
a computer/laptop/iPad or other device with Internet access.
How long should this module take to complete?
Everyone works at a different pace and may require different time or tools to complete this module. The STEM Content Development training module features several activities and learning reflections, which can be explored individually or with other instructors or program staff as a larger group discussion/debrief. This said, working through the STEM Content Development Module will likely take approximately 90 minutes to complete.
Questions or Feedback?
If you have any specific questions or issues with any portion of this training module, or if you have any feedback you wish to contribute, please contact (
How do I share this with my team?
An Exchange account is not required. Please share the URL ( for direct access.
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