5. Conclusion
Through this training module, you should now have an idea of what your online delivery instructor experience will be like and also how to approach and improve your approach to online programming delivery. Online and in-person delivery of STEM outreach programming share the same goal: providing opportunities for youth across Canada to have positive, engaging, and fun STEM experiences and in turn develop their interest in STEM subjects and career pathways. How online and in-person delivery achieve that goal is also much the same, however, as this module highlighted, there are key differences between them that require your attention. Likewise, your experience, as an instructor, will be different with programming delivered online compared to in-person programming. This different experience, however, means that you will also have new opportunities for learning, growth, and skills development as you plan and prepare as well as adapt and overcome challenges.
Remote programming, when done effectively, has allowed students to continue their career exploration journeys in new and exciting ways, specifically with regards to mentorship and seeing themselves in advanced, technology based careers.
- Six Nations Polytechnic
Continued reading
If you’re interested in reading more about online delivery, here are a few links to get you started:
List of resources/references:
Learning to teach online: An open educational resource for preservice teacher candidates: https://onlineteaching.ca/
Google For Education: Distance Learning: https://edu.google.com/latest-news/distance-learning/
Online learning: Creating transformational learning experiences online: https://www.iste.org/learn/online-learning
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